Guide to use Bulk Rename Command (BRC) with SendTo

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Guide to use Bulk Rename Command (BRC) with SendTo

Post by tong »

1. BRC can't input as a fully qualified path name.
2. You have to split drive letter + path and use with /DIR
3. You have to split filename + extension and use with /PATTERN
4. For working with multiple files selection and SendTo, we need to loop process one by one.

Here is the example for rename files to title case:

Code: Select all

@echo off

set brc="C:\winutil\Bulk Rename\BRC64.exe"

for %%I in (%*) do (

%* = represents all arguments passed to a batch file.
%%I = temporarily parameter variable.
%%~dpI = drive and path of each argument.
%%~nxI = filename and extension of each argument.

Modifiers with batch parameters
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